Sunday, 29 March 2015

Marker Project Inital Ideas

Marker Project Initial Ideas/Concepts


Communication and planning will be key to keep tabs on the progress of the project via

  • Daily group meetings through Skype, 
  • Facebook, 
  • mobile phone and 
  • face-face on Wednesday after studio.
Data and information will be correlated online using Google Document to unify our project in one place and accessibility. After observing the site, the demographics and social values of the community, it was important to develop series of potential concepts which will enrich and enhance experience of Blacktown and Blacktown international sportspark. 


Exploring cutting edge design solutions for a marker that indicated the existence of the Blacktown International Sports Park from the M7 motorway.

The few concepts during this part of the design process were:
- Lightpoles

- Kenetic/ Responsive architecture
- Anamorphic Architecture Design
- Architectural QR scan

The Blacktown Sports park's logo is two boomerangs that symbolises the core business. It reflects the indigenous heritage of the city region. Also ‘boomerang is to return’, signifying the return of participants or commuters into the site.

Anamorphic Design

This approach will provoke the drivers' peripheral vision driving along the M7 and specific locations by series or fragments of designs long to indicate the presence of the sports park. Th or allowing drivers to see an indication that points to the direction of a sport park at a specific angle or view of the marker.

Examples of projection based Anamorphic Markers

Light Poles - Interactive lights

Through site visit, the tall light posts from the sports park played a major role in finding the way to the park. To mimic the tall lights, the idea of having motion senses was a possibility. Having a structure that would light up as cars move past on the M7.

- Kinetic/ Responsive architecture

Having a structure that would respond to the environment - maybe through sound or the reaction of wind. 

- Architectural QR scan on M7

This works by scanning a 2d image, the user would use a camera to take a picture of a 3D object, in turn bringing up information about what was scanned.

In terms of the marker project, a monument can be made a long side the M7, where passengers can take a photo of the monument for directions to the sports park. This picture will be scanned via a third party app. The monument can also be designed to somewhat indicate the driver to take the next exit for the sports park.

- Reflective Manipulation

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Week 3 - Studio

Richard Goodwin

Richard Goodwin characteristic can be summed up as very bold, strange & provoking artist as goes with his lecturer. His lecturer & presentation show his perspective on mobility, artworks that is considered 'shocking' and many of his past works such as the exoskeleton car, monument of nomadism, Denhaag parasite. 

In his presentation he talks and questions about what if life on earth is going to be life if we run out of things or some sort of chaos is brought on earth and sea level raises which then leads to recycling, reuse, the recreation of common objects to be restructured by his vision, this was mainly shown in his exhibition artworks and public installations. 

When he approached on his idea of mobility involving architecture it was evident there is an emphasis on adding on the existing rather than rebuild. He explicitly believes that the new architecture built around existing architecture is like a 'scab', to his reason reinventing the wheel when it is still a wheel with a cover on it. 

Reflecting on his lecture, architecture should be evolved over time, preserved rather than be destroyed & rebuilt. In first and second world countries, the attitude and mentality of the people lives in a consumer world where having the latest 'thing' is a way to stand out or fit into from society. 

Fraying Ground
Presentation included information about our client, their interests, fast and figures, M7, our observation through site visit, council regulation and design consideration

Overall we got strong feedback from Russell, Nicole & our peers of a solid 7. With a 20 minute time limit for a presentation, there were a lot of information to show, despite highlighting important information we still went overtime however we believe we maintained interest among our peers. 

After listening to our feedback we can improve on it by including more information.

Marker ProjectNext Step

  • returning to the sportspark

  • iteration in the form of a boomerang - transforming the boomerang into something different
  • sense of direction, form that shows the direction of the sports park
  • different markers to show different viewpoint
  • Anamorphic design - work on layers, focus on the attention of drivers along the m7 (series of iterations of design along the m7 to indicate the lead up of the sports park)

design consideration:
  • interaction of lights
    • consider the impact on both day and night
  • position/poses of athletes

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Week 3 - Back Brief

Plan- Establish strong communication between members
- Understand the wants and needs through research about the client and their desirable  

  • Who: Blacktown City Council
  • Where: Blacktown Sports Stadium
  • Desirable: Marker

- Carry out site analysis 
- Scope potential locations for a marker
- Take consideration of constraints and legislative statements in relation to the highway and site 
- Find precedents of definition, what are the required characteristic of a marker.

Site Visit

Having all the group members on the site will provide a greater understanding of the site by placing ourselves in the situation of why this is called the marker project. As each member approached the site from varies directions to the site,  I traveled from the south driving up from the M7Alex traveled from the north driving down from the M2 to M7,  Annisa and Jeremy traveled from the East on the M4. After we met up at the sport stadium carpark, we carpooled and did another round of driving whist discussing about our observation, issues, discoveries about the site and possible design solutions.

After the site visit we further researched and discussed about;
  • the possible location of where the marker can be placed
  • how we should approach this issue
  • such as what can be maximum height 
  • how close can the marker be 
  • will more than marker be used ie different designs or same design

The major issue about this site is with the exits of the M7. Not only the exits are not adjacent to the Sportspark, it is also not located any where near Sportpark hence having to make what seems 7 minutes "detour" to get there. In addition the current way finding are at the lights of the sports park and a sign that is next to the traffic light to allow drivers to locate the sportspark.

Research for back brief
  • Definition of a "Marker"
  • Rules and Regulations
  • Traffic directions
  • Purpose of sports stadium: favourable sports held there
  • Precedents
  • Monuments
  • Architecture
  • Know function and purpose
  • Community engagement
  • Possible interaction, responsive proposal
  • Construct ability 
  • Possible boundaries to exceed
- Curating/address brief in design
- Understanding of the brief
- What defines a marker
- Information about rules & regulations etc
- Direction of the design
- Express Core design - expand network of ideas

Communication along memebers

Facebook, mobile phones, google docs and face-face

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Week 2 Studio

Suleman Alhadidi, HASSEL Studios

Our guest speaker for week 2 was from HASSEL Studios a internationally large architectural firm, the lecture was based on Sulemans perspective of mobility. Suleman features one of hassels competition designs flinders street station in Melbourne.

The team & Marker Project

click their names to check out their blogs